Brummies Stand United

Brummies Stand United!

In March 2022, residents in Moseley woke up to leaflets from the far-right group ‘Patriotic Alternative’ being hurled into their driveways. The leaflets sought to create division and hatred amongst the neighbourhood by blaming migrants and people of colour for all the problems in society.

In response, the community came together, and in a powerful display of unity produced a poster which they continue to display in windows, doors and businesses to demonstrate that they stand united against all forms of racism and hate.

As the far-right once again attempts to create fear, division and hatred across our city organisations have rallied together and are asking residents, charities, schools, and businesses to display the poster to send a clear message: Brummies stand united – there is no place for racism or hate in our city

Today, the Birmingham Mail has published the poster in its newspaper for people to cut out and display.

This initiative is supported by John Cotton, Leader of Birmingham City Council and Nicky Brennan, Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Cohesion. 

All councillors and MPs are being asked to share the poster with faith leaders, trade unions and other organisations across Birmingham.

Please share the poster and support the simple message of unity: Brummies stand united – there is no place for racism or hate in our city! 

Show solidarity!

1. Display the poster in your home, business, organisation, or school. You can download it from the link in the article.

2. Change your profile pic to the image provided below.

3. Use the hashtag #brumunited to share your photos of your posters and messages of unity.

#brumunited ❤ 


anti racism poster
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