Action Report – March 2024

Cllr Kerry Jenkins

ACTION REPORT – March 2024

Here’s my action report covering March giving an update on my work both in the Moseley Ward but also the work I do within the wider council. March has flown by and as usual this update will not include everything but I hope it will provide a flavour of what has been happening.

Library consultation

The Council has launched a consultation to look at ways of ‘transforming’ library services across the city. Friends of Kings Heath Library are reviewing all of the documents attached to the consultation and will be sharing their thoughts across social media.  I am encouraging residents to participate in the consultation which can be found here:

Image of Birmingham Central Library with text that says "Library consultation opens. Have your say on the future of Birmingham's libraries"

Co-ordinating Overview and Scrutiny Committee

I attended the last meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee and had the chance to ask the Lead Commissioner, Max Caller questions. He reminded us that he was accountable only to Michael Gove, Secretary of State, and confirmed that if the budget had not been agreed at the meeting then the government commissioners would have taken over the running of the council. If you are interested in what was asked, and his answers, then you can watch the meeting here:

Education, Children and Young People O&S Committee

The Committee did not have a meeting scheduled for March to allow for the conclusion of the Inquiry into Child Criminal Exploitation. This Inquiry has been ongoing for a year and will report to the meeting of the full council on the 16th April.

Casework and other updates

Flytipping – I’ve reported lots more flytipping this month and am grateful to the waste service for taking quick action to remove.

Bins – Hamza Mosque contacted me on Thursday to seek my help to get their large container bin emptied as due to increased numbers attending the mosque for prayers during Ramadan it was overflowing. After speaking to the depot manager and explaining the urgency I got reassurance that the bin would be emptied before the weekend. I was pleased to receive a text to let me know this had been done.

“Thanks Kerry, they have collected the rubbish.

Lighting – The light on Laburnum Grove was finally repaired a couple of weeks ago after some difficulties in identifying which bit of the council was responsible for the work.  It is now a much safer access point for residents in the evenings.

“Thanks so much for your perseverance and support. It felt really scary walking down the Grove at night but now the light is operating again it is so much better. Thanks again!”

Image showing he before and after image of Laburnum Grove when the light was not working and after it was repaired.

Highways work

Potholes – I reported lots of potholes again last month with some receiving priority temporary repairs including a large pothole at the Wake Green Road, Yardley Wood Road crossroads and directly outside the main gates at Cannon Hill Park. There are a lot of stretches of road that I have reported where the road surface is deteriorating but currently do not meet the requirements for immediate action. I have asked for them to be regularly inspected and monitored including the stretch of Wake Green Road from the crossroads with Yardley Wood Road up to College Road, and from Moseley School down to Sarehole Mill.

Manholes – I reported a very noisy manhole cover on Yardley Wood Road and the story was picked up by BBC WM. Despite the fact that it is still causing some annoyance it is scheduled for inspection and repair.

image of a manhole cover

Fallen tree – Following a concern raised by a local resident I reported a fallen tree at Cole ford, Green Lane and was pleased to see swift action taken by the council to have it removed. This meant that the access for cars, pedestrians and cyclists was improved but above all is now much safer.

Image of before and after the removal of a fallen tree which was obscuring visibility for road users

SEND – My monthly SEND advice surgery is now being regularly booked up and last month I supported three families with a range of issues relating to the special educational needs of their children. One of the families that I had been supporting since January has now received confirmation that her child will be given the place needed at an appropriate school in September. If you require some advice specific special educational needs and disability, then do get in touch. You can make an appointment here:

Dates for your diary

Mobile Household Waste Centre – Due to the need to make reductions to budgets across all service areas the council have made changes to this service to ensure it can continue to be delivered across all wards. There will no longer be a multi-compartment recycling truck as these were being leased at considerable cost and this is no longer an option. The free waste service will still be available to residents for disposing of waste that cannot be recycled or re-used.

details of when the next waste centre will be in Moseley - wed 1st May

Official guidance for disposing of recycling in addition to the kerb-side collections is via a Household Recycling Centre:

For more information:

Waste Services:


Bulky Waste:

Report fly-tipping:

Food Bank Collection – We didn’t have a stall over Easter weekend but I collected nearly 100 Easter eggs for Kings Heath Foodbank and dropped these off on the Saturday before Easter. They were absolutely thrilled with the donation which they said would help many families and give children a sweet treat on Easter Sunday. A big thank you to those that donated. Our next collection will be on April 27th outside Boo Burgers between 10 and 1pm.

Image of Cllr Kerry Jenkins handing over easter eggs to a volunteer at Kings Heath Foodbank.K

Advice surgeries – I hold regular advice surgeries on the first and fourth Thursday of the month. My SEND surgery is held on the 1st Thursday from 5-7pm by appointment only at the Hive. I also hold a general advice surgery on the fourth Thursday of the month from 6-7pm at the Moseley Exchange, no appointment necessary.


Contact and Communication

My spring leaflet is currently being delivered by volunteers across the Moseley Ward. We are also out and about three nights a week knocking doors and talking to residents about local issues and about the upcoming elections on May 2nd and Labour’s brilliant candidates, Richard Parker for WM Mayor and Simon Foster for PCC. Please ensure you are registered to vote and that you have the necessary ID. More info here:

Cllr Jenkins and volunteers delivering leaflets.

I try and use all channels of communication including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (search Moseley Labour and/or Kerry Jenkins). I have a secure Whats App Channel which is really easy to use, it keeps your phone number private and gives access to updates of interest posted for residents every few days.

Please let me know if I can help with any issues in your bit of Moseley and I will do my very best to help.

Thanks for reading,

Kerry Jenkins, Labour Councillor, Moseley

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